Bitterroot Flower Layering Stencil (3 in 1)
Have you been enjoying our floral layering stencils? This newest one in this series features two beautiful bitterroot flowers along with two buds and some leaves. The flowers have five coloring layers including a layer for the flower centers. The leaves and stem each have two coloring layers. The images have been arranged to make a pretty floral arrangement; however, they can be shifted around to create other arrangements.
Altenew is here to take the 'layering' concept to another level with the introduction of Simple Layering Stencils. With a few simple steps, you will now get gorgeous layering images with very little effort. The Bitterroot Flower Layering Stencil Set is a set of four stencils that will give you a gorgeous layered floral arrangement. It is easy to use, and you will be able to create beautiful projects in no time!
Download: Bitterroot Flower Layering Guide